Hi there! My name is Matt, I'm a Capricorn, and I am rather injury prone (random, I know, but read on and it'll all connect; I think this is called foreshadowing). I grew up in the Seattle area, but I've gotten used to seeing the sun so I'm not sure I could handle living there again. I'm heading to Atlanta this summer to work for a small company called Coca-Cola.
I'll be honest with you, BYU initially rose to the top of my list for potential MBA programs because I'm still a bachelor. After three years of living in Idaho Falls working as an analyst for a mid-size consumer products company called Melaleuca (fabulous experience across the board, by the way), I decided it was time for a change. Since Provo is the mecca for Mormon singles, I thought I would give it a whirl, again. Yes, I had already spent four years in P-town as an undergrad, the latter half of which were in the Tanner Building. Well, it's been simply nostalgic to be back in the Tanner, but even though I have a finance undergraduate degree from BYU and am pursuing a finance MBA degree from BYU, I don't feel that my learning experience has been redundant whatsoever. That's probably because I just didn't learn the material the first time around, but hey, repetition is the master teacher, right?
Besides the social aspect of returning to Provo, BYU's value proposition was an undeniable benefit. However, I believe in investing in myself, so I tried to suppress my numbers-oriented viewpoint long enough to focus on the long-term benefits of the network I would be able to build up. So far, I feel like I made a great decision. There are plenty of opportunities to be involved, give back, and reach out. Even though I explicitly remember sitting in orientation and telling myself I wouldn't get into student leadership like I had previously, one thing led to another and - BAM! - here I am, fully engrossed in the MBA experience. And it is more work, but I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.
And why did I mention my injury prone nature? Allow me to explain. Back in September I was playing on an intramural flag football team with some of my classmates when I went down with a torn ACL in my right knee. As if I weren't stressed out enough, this had to go and happen. . . Well, I have no intention of crying you a river, but that experience taught me several things, including how wonderful my fellow MBA classmates are. The outpouring of help and thoughtfulness was incredible, especially from the other guys and even the professors! This experience as well as many others have thoroughly reinforced my decision to be a part of this inspired institution, again.