One of the most valuable things you can do to help you with your decision about which MBA program is right for you is visit the program. The Marriott School has a great campus visit process in place. If you go to the Campus Visit link (http://marriottschool.byu.
Once you have decided which classes you would like to visit, all you need to do is email that information to mbacampusvisit@byu.edu along with the following information:
- The track that most interests you (Finance, Marketing, OB/HR, Supply Chain, Product Development, or General Management)
- Which date you would like to visit
- Whether you would like to meet with an MBA advisor
- Whether you would like to go to lunch or breakfast with a current student
Ideally, you will give us at least one week’s notice to schedule your visit. However, if you find yourself in Provo with less than a week’s notice, please submit your request and we will do the best we can.
As mentioned, visiting the program can really help in the decision making process, but it can also help with the application process. By having firsthand experience with the program, you will be able to share why you want to come to the program from that perspective. One of the most important elements of your decision to attend BYU’s MBA program should be whether BYU is the right place for you and there is no better way to know this than by getting to know the current students and professors and finding out what the MBA program here in Provo is really all about.
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