The BYU MBA program provides students with one opportunity that to my knowledge no other program offers: the chance to anchor or guest star in a business news video segment filmed in an actual television studio.
Morning Market Call is a program that was started by BYU MBA Finance professors with the purpose of providing MBA students opportunities to discuss financial topics in front of a television camera. Once you become the CFO or CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you've gotta be comfortable for your appearances on CNBC or CNN Money! Don't worry, participating isn't mandatory for students, but is something I've found to be a lot of fun.
One segment is filmed for each school day, with topics ranging from global business news, to government legislation, to BYU MBA specific events such as the Business Plan Competition and case competitions.
You can check out the Morning Market Call at http://mmc.byu.edu
Morning Market Call: one more way the BYU MBA program is taking things to another level. Look out Jim Cramer, here we come...
Doug Mumford, Class of 2011, Marketing
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