I thought I had covered everything when evaluating my decision to get an MBA. I knew the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I was prepared for what I was going to get out of the program. I was quite sure of this, right up until I started classes. Then I discovered that the two most interesting side effects of my MBA were not what I had expected.
I was not prepared for what this program would do for me, both personally and professionally, in feeling like I had the ability to walk into any situation and be valuable. I trust my own ideas and opinions. I can make things happen. I have learned that I have tremendous capability. And this will impact me for the rest of my life.
I’m not talking about touch your toes. But I am talking about my new ability to do anything I want. If I want to work for a Fortune 500 company, I can get an interview with almost anyone. If I want to be my own boss, I can start my own company. If I want to work from home three days a week, then I am valuable enough now that I can make that happen. Sure, these will require hard work. I may have to sacrifice in some areas to get what I want. No one will hand this to me. But with MBA after my name, people will consider it. And that is one step farther than I have ever been able to get before.
—Kelsey Harris, Class of 2011, OB/HR
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