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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Canyonlands Half Marathon

In an effort to balance the all-too-often, academically lopsided MBA life, over 20 business students trained over the past few months and ran in the Canyonlands Half Marathon/Five Mile race this past weekend in Moab, Utah. Complemented by near perfect weather and mounds of pasta the night before, the much anticipated race was a ton of fun for everybody involved, including Jumi Lee who anticipated only running the 5 mile race, but found herself registered for the half marathon. She ran and finished no problem, just like the following friends of ours:

Ken Carpenter

Ryan Andrus

Brandon Anderson

Craig Anderson

Julie Nelson Kellett

Matt Kempton

Graham Orme
David Liddicoat
Moroni Schwab
Carlo Bena
Joe Dredge
Emily Tanner
Liz Temus
Julina Manning
Justin AndersenChloe Andersen
Shan Grimmius
Ronell Hugh
Dan Myers
Ryan Wilson
AnnMarie Dunn
Kelsey Harris
Kristan Brooks
Kyle Lemmon
Kyle Freebairn
Jumi Lee

and a guy that looked remarkably like Jeremy Reese (so much that I took his picture and posted it with the rest of the photos)

Congratulations to everybody; you made me and Luke Terry proud as we watched from the sidelines.

-Jamen Long, Class of 2011, Supply Chain Management